Saturday, July 7, 2007

Thank you fly lady

Thanks so much to, I was motivated to pick a small spot to organize! This afternoon I hopped in my car and took a little drive down to the container store, where I bought drawer organizers and shelf paper to make my out-of-control-bathroom-catch-all drawers less atrocious! I don't know if anyone cares, but it certainly made me feel good about my day, so I thought I'd share. Of course, when I finished the bathroom, the rest of the house was a steps!


Sue said...

How long do you think the drawers will STAY organized. Looks great today but next thing you know it the children will be re-organizing!! Aren't they cute? I so remember those days and can't wait to watch the grand kids grow up too.

Phoebe said...

I love FlyLady. She has saved me time and time again. Actually, it's probably time again for me to clean out a few of my own drawe4rs!