Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Earth Day makes me feel guilty!

I think this Earth Day thing is a great concept, but truly, all of this green stuff makes me feel like such a loser.  Yesterday I listened to all sorts of things that I SHOULD be doing to make this earth remain a beautiful place for my kids. I watched Oprah because she had Julia Roberts on and did you know that Julia is almost too beautiful to look at AND she composts all of her food garbage?  Julia, you are freaking me out.  The only think that gave me comfort is that she admits that she still uses paper towels.  WHAT??? Yesterday is the first time I realized that paper towels aren't the best thing for the planet.  Here is a partial list of things I am doing to ruin the earth:

1.  Disposable water bottles
2.  Disposable diapers........times TWO!
3.  I am a paper towel FREAK.  I use them for everything.  It's part of my OCD.  I love that you can clean with them and then get rid of the evidence.  Am I not saving water by not using rags that I would have to wash???
4.  All of my hair, face, and cleaning products have bad stuff in them except for my Burt's Bees lip balm.
5.  I am having another child, which is totally irresponsible of me.  Just think of the damage he/she will do to the earth.
6.  I throw away my food waste or put it down the disposal.  I do NOT compost and feed my compost to worms and then put the worms POOP on my lovely garden.
7.  I don't grow a garden.
8.  I use fertilizer.
9.  I wash my car in my driveway.
10.I keep forgetting to take my reusable bags to the market with me, even though I did take the important step of buying them.
11.I drive everywhere.
12.I use BLEACH on everything.

To make myself feel better I have come up with this list of things I DO to go green:

1. I turn off the water while I brush my teeth.
2. I BOUGHT the reusable bags.  Once I took them to the store.
3. I stopped at the store on the way home from a run once to get some bread.

So.......Happy Earth Day to you all.  It's just another guilty holiday in my book.


Mandy said...

You do more than that . . . you have trees in your yard, you recycle O's clothes for Molly, and you save gas by not commuting to work every day!

Kristen said...

hmm, thats way more than I do.. I have thought about it though, that should count for something.

Jen said...

Mandy, I commute to get a treat, jamba or diet coke every day, and that is a vital part of my job. Thanks for trying to make me feel better, but I am still feeling overshadowed by Julia freakin' Roberts.

j and k said...

You're awesome to write such witty things! Especially with baby brain-you're still on a higher level than me. Love it! I too bought those bags, haven't used them, and still feeling guilty about it! By the way, tell O I found a beautiful, truly fabulous paper airplane on my floor and I think I know who made it! :-)

cryssal said...

You made me think of the things that I do to help the Earth. I don't clean so that helps by not putting those pollutants in the air. I try not to pay my bills, so less trees are dying for that, though then they send late notices so that might just equal itself out. My cars break down so I have to use other peoples cars so, really it isn't my fault I put stuff in the air when I drive it is theirs because they shouldn't have let me borrow their car. I am felling pretty green right now!

Alisha B. Whitman said...

Jen, I would be concerned about you if you were pregnant, raising 3 kids, and doing everything else you do AND were doing all that compost and worms stuff. Hey, you don't smoke. When all the movie stars that yell go green can say that, I'll listen more.

Erin said...

Brooks and I walked to the store the other day and used our cloth bag. That should count for at least a couple months worth, right? Besides I live in Utah now, do I need to care any more?