Friday, May 9, 2008

A conversation with Molly....

I made some raspberry jello the other day, which I love with cool whip on it, and asked Molly,

"Molly, do you want some jello?"

She looked at what I had, and answered, "no, wed (red)."

I said, "You are right, it is red, but it's called Jello."

"No, wed."  She replied again.  OK, you win.........

"Do you want any Red?"  I asked.


Sometimes it's not worth the battle.


Sugarlene said...

Your kids are so adorable! I hope you are recording all these cute things they say and do......i only remember a few from my kids, only because I wrote those down. There is so much I didn't write. You are an awesome mom and wife. I am proud to be your sister(il)! Have you guessed what that means?

Jen said...

Back at you, Shirl! Your a great inspiration!

cryssal said...

That Mony is a perfectionist, that is why she already has forehead wrinkles.

Unknown said...

I love all the cute things that your kids do! You are a terrific mom! Max is such a handsome little devil! Olivia so sweet, and Molly just makes me laugh!

Kristen said...

I think I'll cal it wed from now on..thats just funner to say :) Give her a squeeze for us!

Alisha B. Whitman said...

I have to remind myself all the time that I'm arguing with a 2 year-old. And for what really?