Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Something that made me go hmmmmmmm.......

I overheard my husband talking to my nephew Jake who just returned from a mission in February about dating and what he's looking for in a girl/wife.  Jake was explaining how he wasn't super into the "Utah-girl" look (most of you know what I am talking about!) and prefers a down to earth "plain" (his word, not mine) girl with a fun personality.  Jon proceeded to empathize, telling him that he never liked the  super-cute girls either.......that's when my ears perked and I interrupted the conversation with an "excuse me????"

I guess Jon prefers the ugly girl that is loyal to only him...

Should I be offended???


Mandy said...

I think they are equating "cute" with "high-maintenance," in which case you should not be offended at all.
Men; I know their language. I grew up with brothers.

Kristen said...

Thats so funny. I love it.

Sue said...

I once asked Dave, "How can you still love me...I'm old, fat and ugly!" He said..."You're not ugly!" You should NOT be offended! :-)

Nicholle said...

I don't think you should be offended either! I agree with the first comment...
I am sure he means the airheady...utah...blonde...high maintenance cute! I am proud that I am not that kind of cute!

Ashley said...

Oh Jen! You are totally cute! You are Oregon cute which Utah cute couldn't touch with a ten foot pole!! I know exactly what they were talking about though because I have had the same conversation with my husband. They associate Utah cute to the "Provo Allstar" look, which just happens to come with a greater than though attitude, money is everything attitude, flaunt it till you can't attitude and if you aren't of equal or greater value to them they won't even look. My husband said he finally just started looking for someone who would be a good mom to his children! I guess dating frustrations are on both sides! Now we can just be grateful that we don't have to play that game anymore!! :)

Kristen said...
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Kristen said...

milk it!!!

(from buddy)

Sugarlene said...

It's like I always say, "Men, you can't live with em, and you can't in the Celestial Kingdom without them." Glenn always gets frustrated when I "misunderstand what he says." His famous thing to say is: "You shouldn't be offended I didn't mean it that way." I say, "then you should be very careful how you say it the first time." But seriously Jen,don't be offended. You have an outer beauty and most important an inner beauty that far surpasses all those "Barbie Doll, stick thin girls all the guys are looking for. That tells you how shallow they are. But I know, and most important, YOU KNOW how much Jon loves and adores you, absolutely!!!!

Raina said...

Ahh... you have such a "sweet spirit". Hehehe... See, he got the whole package with you. The lucky diamond in the rough... cute, talented, fun, spiritchal, the WHOLE kitten kaboodle. :D
He's just glad he didn't have to settle for someone with JUST looks... or JUST talents. Lucky lucky guy!

Alisha B. Whitman said...

What was his response when you piped in? I love it when they try to work their way out of those sticky spots! I read your post to Cooper and he was look "Ooooh no. That's tough." And I know he meant Jon was going to have a tough time talking his way out of that one!

BIG Brother said...

I will say this: I know EXACTLY the type of girl he was talking about and they all look the same: FAKE! not just because you're my sis, but you are a beautiful woman inside & out, you have nothing to worry about.

BIG Brother said...

and another women need to understand how our minds work: the way we think something and the way it comes out sometimes startles even us. don't overreact to something we say until you get the meaning behind it. we may sometimes sound insesitive but we don't mean it to. we're idiots most of the time. please take that into consideration. thank you