Saturday, January 17, 2009

new year's resolutions

Just thought you might all like to know that I have already broken all of my New Year's Resolutions. New Year's Resolutions suck.  I have been thinking a lot about the great lessons I learned in 2008.  Here are a few:

When you have the flu for 3 weeks, it might mean you are pregnant.

Doctors don't know what they are talking about.  Never believe them when they use probabilities like "you will probably never get pregnant on your own, your chances are slim to none."

Skin is VERY stretchy (by the way, I got one stretch mark this time, none last time, so now I have a forever little reminder of the joy of being with child).

Best friends move away.  And it's sad.  And it doesn't get any better.

Twins are a LOT of work.  But, they are even more fun!  I wish I had a twin!

You can fall in love again, even after 14 years.

Eight is great, and watching your child get baptized is surreal.  Wasn't she just a babe in arms?

Being pregnant is a miracle and a blessing but I HATE almost every minute of it, and it lasts FOREVER.  I am thankful that I am not an elephant (22 months gestational period) but I felt like one by September.

My children like to make dramatic entrances.  Three of them share the same birthday, and the other one came on Halloween.  We'd better stop while we are ahead so that we don't have a Christmas baby.

Having your water break at 2 AM is a very startling way to start the day.  

No matter how a baby comes out, it HURTS.  

Babies are miracles.  I wish I could have a hundred babies, without pregnancy or having to be responsible for raising them. I just LOVE the way my newbies look, smell, sound, all of it.  I could just sit and rock my little man all day long, and let the world dissolve all around me (hence the knives and couscous).

Cleaning my house is a waste of time, but I still do it.  It's a form of self torture.

I am the luckiest girl alive and I need to recognize that every day...

So, forget the resolutions, I am just going to try to be grateful and kind and loving to those around me.  I know that I will fail many times over, but I am committed to getting back in the saddle.

"You win some and learn some..."  Jason Mraz


Mandy said...

I love this! Thanks for sharing . . . I always break my new year's resolutions too.

j and k said...

LOVE the new blog format. ANd, love the post. You made my night with your wit and humor. You don't have much to work on, so why make resolutions? I think you should just keep being as you are.

Erin said...

I loved your recap. What a year. First of all, when you were sick forever, you should listen to a friend. Secondly, you were never remotely close to an elephant. remember that! No resolutions, keep being you. That's the way we love you. . . just the way you are.

cryssal said...

Can I add something we sorta learned together? You can't beat a storm, some way or another it will get you.

Raina said...

I love the new look! And... I love how eventful your year was. These are the years you'll be talking about when you are old and gray! were gorgeous even at the end of the pregnancy too! I KNOW i wasn't as stylish as you!