Saturday, January 10, 2009

two months...

He just signed an endorsement contract with CK
umbilical that is what I call an outie!

(note: new Monkey tubby towel)
thanks, Trudie!

...and in the blue corner, weighing in at 16 lbs and measuring a whopping 27 inches (very proportionally off the charts!), our very own Bab-Ian  (it's like saying Baby Ian very run together, like there is only one short i sound, this is the nickname Max coined, and it STUCK!). We LOVE this boy (who is currently asleep on my chest, snoring away as I, yes, rock him).  I never believed I could love another one so much!


Raina said...

two months?!? two months!!!! Yikes. He is looking so adorable, and I need to see him more. We are getting together ASAP! I miss seeing and talking with you.. and getting a little dose of Bab-Ian in the mean time.

Nicholle said...

Oh...Darn it...
He is the cutest darn thing!

Kristen said...

OH!!! Bab-Ian, You are tooo awesome. I love his little 2 month pictures :)

cryssal said...

I am having Bab-Ian, withdrawals, not to mention the Mony, Maxi, Woogs, Jonny heart and JOTB withdrawals. How am I going to make it until June?????

j and k said...

Oh my heck, he's cute! Geez, he has grown so fast! I am in LOVE with Bab-Ian!