Thursday, March 5, 2009

my woes...

 this is what my nerves resemble...

this has been one of those days, or several days, stretching into weeks... I am wound so tight I might pop.  Whose idea was this big kid bed thing anyways?  I want to go back!  Why can't the twins just stay caged until they graduate?  Seriously.  Every day, I read them stories, we sing songs, and I tuck them in for naps.  Optimistically.  Then, every day, as soon as I leave the room, they pull every book out of their bookcase, every article of clothing out of their closet and drawers, every toy and stuffed animal out of its basket, every picture off the wall (I am trying to paint a picture since my camera is broken and Olivia's is MIA).  I call to them from the bottom of the stairs, "stay in your beds....go to sleep please) which quickly turns into YELLING from the bottom of the stairs "go to SLEEP!  Do you want a spanking?" (it's a threat, and they know it).  Then, I go up and physically put them back into their beds, trying not to hyper-ventilate at the mess (I have OCD about clutter), and kiss them again.  This goes on for two hours, at which time they fall asleep just in time for me to wake them to take Olivia to swimming.  I can't relax during the ordeal because I don't know what havoc they are wreaking. Last night I went to check on them after they FINALLY fell asleep and Max was in his bed with a broken lamp and shattered light bulb all over his bed spread, glass spilling onto the floor. Holy crap, how was he  not a bloody mess?  I pulled off all his linens, took them outside and shook them, and vacuumed while they slept like little angels.  Pair these antics with nearly three weeks of Jon traveling out of town, and you've got a mom who looks like said ball of bands.  

My saving grace was a very good friend who had the little munchkins over to play today while I cleared my head.  Once again, how did I get so lucky to have the friends I do?  Also, another bright spot is that we have some fun visitors coming tomorrow who are going to whisk us off to the coast for the weekend.  I am hopeful that after this weekend I will be ready to take it all on again.  Wish me luck...


cryssal said...

Good Luck, I am sorry that things have been so rough. I need to come and visit and make everything even more choatic!

j and k said...

OH my! What a week! A broken light bulb? I'm so grateful they are ok! You are such a great mom and I know that it is super stressful when that happens! Take a moment to breath-they'll be 25 soon and then you'll tell their children stories of how to behave just like daddy and mommy did! :-)

Reba said...

It's times like these that drinking would come in handy, eh?

Alisha B. Whitman said...

Ah! That scene sounds all too familiar! I just cried to my mom the other day that I spend half my time every stinkin day battling with mine to go to sleep. With your husband out of town I don't know how you're doing it! Hopefully this is just their breaking in the newness of it and they'll become angels shortly!

Mel said...

I am sorry Jen! Let me know if you need any emergency ice cream or anything! :)

Raina said...

I'm with drinking. Maybe I'll go get you some Nyquil and you can just sleep it away. :D The funny thing, all that stress would send me OVER THE EDGE, and you didn't even mention the stresses of a new baby! :D You need a good vacation!!!

Kristen said...

yeah, lately, good old DC has been my drink of choice..and Im afraid I have been having way too manoy of them! Sorry about your woes..a lightbulb, oh my. Ill send you some flashlights for their room :)

Gel said...

What a great week!! I wish you would have called me and I would have had the kids over to play. Hopefully you can breathe this weekend! Have fun at the beach.

Emmalee said...

Oh my goodness! I am not looking forward to 2 and 3 year olds!!! We are lucky that Grace hasn't figured out how to get off her big girl bed (with one of those safety net things on the side) yet.
Hang in there!

Unknown said...

It reminds me of the time I was 5 or 6 and took every toy off of the shelves in my closet, and dumped them into a huge pile on the floor. It was one of my many temper tantrums. My mom found me sitting on a two foot pile of puzzle pieces, game pieces, art supplies, and doll clothes, needless to say, she was livid. She reminds me of this and many other incidents frequently, but then I can remind her what an angel I was as a teenager. This must mean that your busy twins will be terrific teenagers. :) Good luck - you really are super mom!!!!

Marta said...

Hang in there, Jen! You are such a good mom! I love that age when they push patience to a whole new level! I often think that Heavenly Father made kids super cute for a darn good reason! Not many of us would ever make it to Heaven, I hear they don't like moms who beat their kids! :) Have a great getaway. You deserve it!!!