Friday, May 13, 2011

Lake Run

So, my running buddy, and just all around buddy, Brittany, and I decided to run the Lake Run 12k last Saturday. We renegade (aka didn't pay) ran it, so we have no official number. It's always fun to run with Brittany, although as of late, she may not say the same about me. I have been a sick, slow friend for a while now. But, I am coming back. So....

Here we are before the run! So excited!
And after, with our awesome friends who actually paid to do the run!
This was my first time doing this exact route, although I run around "my" lake all the time, and let me tell you: It was a butt-kicker. Only 7.5 miles, but uphill all the way (I know that sounds impossible, when you start and end at the same place, but trust me, it was uphill the whole way. Try it. I dare you!). Of course, my two month hiatus from running and severe respiratory issues may have contributed to my struggle a tad bit. Brittany is the best running buddy/true friend ever, because she stuck with me the whole way, and let me slow her down, and then pretended to be just as tired as me. I love that girl!

And, we still ended up with a respectable 1:08, which is just over a nine minute mile. So, we didn't suck that bad. I am just super excited to be back on the road. I know I am a weirdie, but it's my sanity.


Brittany said...

awwww, i made your blog! but let me clarify for all your bloggy readers that i didn't have to slow down to run with you. and i really was tired at the end. and that you're the stronger runner between the two of us. and it's be always bringing-up the caboose. it's ME who's lucky to run with you!

i'm glad you're back. it's been really lonely!

Sue said...

I really WANTED to LOVE running but it's not happening. Too much pain for me. Must have been from all those years my health was not number one. Ugg! I will love running by listening to your stories about it and watching you do it. You GO GIRL!

Rachel said...

Just found your blog. You are my hero because you can run 7.5 miles. Maybe someday. . .

preitygirl said...

Jen, you look so great! I am so glad that you are back to running! I wish I could find a love for it!!

grandma bonnie said...

That's my girl! You look so darn cute in your running outfit! I am so glad you are feeling better to do the things you love to do!