Sunday, May 15, 2011

Peter Pan

Olivia was an Indian Princess in her school's performance of Peter Pan. She has been so excited about the play for months now, and it was fun to finally see it on stage. She was, in fact, so excited about the play that she hand wrote about 20 invitations which she handed out to her friends who don't go to her school. Too bad there was no charge for the play, because Olivia would have generated some serious revenue for her school (which could really use the cash right now, as they just announced they will be closing after next year)!

Lots of friends came, as well as Abby, our sweet cousin and only family near us! I wish I had taken more photos! Here is Olivia with one of her favorite primary teachers!

Molly gave her big sis flowers after her final performance on Friday night.

Olivia with Smee (her friend Henry) and a lost kid (her friend Malaika).

And, here she is with her teacher for the past two years. She, along with two other teachers for these classes, makes these plays happen each year. They are all incredible! She has been an amazing blessing to Olivia and to our family. We will miss her so much!

Thank you to all of those who came and supported Olivia. It meant so much to her to see so many smiling, supportive people out in the audience. Without a lot of family near, our friends are so great to pick up the slack and support my kids.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Unknown said...

Congratulations to Olivia. She told me how excited she
was to play this part. I do wish we lived closer!!!! I'm missing out on SSSSOOOO much!!! Love you guys no matter how far away we are!

Erin said...

So cute! I bet she was a star! I wish I could have been there to see it. So fun!